When your abs start forming...

"I wanna flyyyy like an Eagle..."

I have been using Beachbody On Demand online streaming app for a little over 2 years now. I LOVE my trainers, I don't pay a fortune, I don't have to drive anywhere, I have access to over $4000 worth of World Popular fitness programs with the hottest online fitness company around, available anywhere with wifi and a Meal Planner customized for ME that updates itself every Sunday! That's so much information... lol. I paid for it ONCE on April and I won't have to worry about my membership fee until NEXT April.

But seriously, the most rewarding part of my fitness journey (besides saving money) are my RESULTS My whole LIFE I've been that skinny girl people made fun of and for the first time, I'd like to see those people to tell them, "Check it out! I'm still thin but I've got definition now and I'm healthy AF!!"

You gotta try this out, man... it changed my lifestyle and my relationship with my son and it can change yours too. One day at a time, with patience, consistency and FULL commitment. Invest in your health before you fall in debt with hospital bills and you miss 
out on living a healthy life later on  

Find Me Here:
Follow me on fb @ SOPHitness
or Instagram @ SOPHIA_SAN_ROMAN
Or Twitter @S0PHitness


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