Transformation Tuesday
Hi and Good Morning!
Today is one of my least favorite topic
days... Transformation Tuesday. Although I like to encourage all to
become more active and make healthier choices, I look back every week to
when I was unhealthy and lost and couldn't find a solution. Life at
that time seemed as if that was what I was doing from then on. I had
accepted a Fall Back and convinced myself it was who I had become. I'm
not saying this is for everybody... But I became part of a company that
changed my world. Literally... from one side of Texas to the other... I
woke up and realized that I needed to live a better life for the sake
of my son and being in the toxic environment that I was in was setting
me back further and further away from Vito's TRUE potential to
Happiness. I realized that in order for my son to be happy, he had to
feel the same vibes through ME. Children are like puppies... they read
vibes and energy.
You might be thinking... "Damn, she's way too skinny now." but if you didn't know me before Vito, you DON'T KNOW how skinny I've ALWAYS been! Except, the pictures on the left in the red shorts, those are my unhealthiest days I've EVER come across... That's when I was living in a shell and I was being punched down to the ground emotionally, verbally and just over all... disgusted with my life. That SKINNY 32 year old you see on the right side, that's ME. I'm supposed to be like that, through genetics. Skinny, flat chested, thin, small, broad shoulders, no curves... THAT'S ME! Except, now the INSIDE of my body is in EXCELLENT condition and it makes such a HUGE difference in my life especially with raising a 4 year old.
So check it out... 3 years later, I'm back to my skinny self, now trying to build muscle and definition but I'm doing it the RIGHT way. No fast short cuts like pills or wraps. I mean... EAT RIGHT. and EXERCISE. and be CONSISTENT and COMMITTED. Suuuure... its going to take longer.... but its going to be PERMANENT. We don't climb a flight of stairs from Step 1 to Step 10... We take it one step at a time, right? Well.. I've always jumped 2 steps at a time! hehe...
Happy #TransformationTuesday
Transformation of the SOUL...
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