Twisted Warrior

In the beginning it all seems a little impossible but for those that have a vision and write down their goals, its pretty hard to ignore the POSSIBILITIES. It all starts with a little motivation and a HUGE DESIRE to always be better than you were yesterday.

I know my posts are mostly Food and Fitness but a lot of the messages that I post relate to real life as well.
🌴Know that you are worth every positive goals that you have in mind.
🌴Know that you are the only one that can make your goals a reality.
🌴Know that YOU HAVE THE POWER to be whatever you choose to become!

This is a twisted warrior yoga pose is #PiYo that I thought I would never be able to balance without falling to the ground but as my balance improved, so did my confidence.

If you are looking for a fitness program with low impact moves due to body injuries, I HIGHLY recommend this program, PiYo; it is still an intense fitness program but it also doesn't require you to be jumping around like a grass hopper. Contact me for access to the greatest fitness network on the market and enjoy the week!
-Yours truly, Soph

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or Instagram @ SOPHIA_SAN_ROMAN
Or Twitter @S0PHitness


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