The more your cook, the better you get.

This is the Vegan Stuffing to that Stuffed Acorn Squash I posted a few weeks ago. Here's the story... The recipe called for corn bread but in culinary school I was taught to read certain ingredients and assume the recipe so I assumed the corn bread was for a side until I was in the middle of the cooking process and I realized I needed the corn bread for the recipe. I couldn't turn back and make another meal, I was too deep into this dish! So... I improvised. I grabbed some frozen corn and some panko breadcrumbs and THAT was my "cornbread filling". It turned out way better than having cornbread! The second time I made it, I ground up some flax seeds and used that as the breading with corn. I would say, I made this recipe nutritionally better!

The more you cook, the better you get Take it from a food blogger/experimenter. I hardly ever make the same meal for my son twice in one month, you have to keep exploring while they're young, that's why kids are so picky these days. You feed them chicken nuggets and burgers and then you wonder why they don't like quinoa and salmon... Please... get over the processed food era and open your eyes to the new world of WHOLE FOODS. You know... the way it USED TO BE back then when cancer wasn't prominent.

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