Saturday Motivation

When I moved 2 years ago back to my hometown I was sad, broke, bummed and hopeless. I was already a Beachbody coach but I didn't get much done the first year because of the living situation I was in... but I never stopped believing in myself even when other people didn't believe in me. I started from THE BOTTOM with NOTHING but I knew that I was going to end up with Success one way or another. I'm still pushing but because I've been consistent and I've moved away from rock bottom, I'm now able to do things I couldn't do 2 years ago.
I started without waiting for a sign, I built my own sign. I used what I had and saved up money to afford what I needed in order to advance, I was EXTRA FRUGAL with my pennies. I did what I had to do however I could.

Here I am today, a fitness and nutrition motivator and helping those that want my guidance using the tools that I have used to get to where I am today on a physical and nutritional level. One thing I've learned from this journey is that in order to see results you have to believe in what you are doing and you have to take action.
#SaturdayMotivation #Inspirational #WeekendWarrior #RockBottom

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