My son makes my workouts more fun!

I didn't feel like working out so I forced myself to. I pushed play but I didn't want to switch outfits so I worked out in my day colothes... I didn't have the motivation so I asked Vito and he pushed me! I'm thankful for Vito because he makes everything in my life more exciting

This is yesterday's workout. After the workout we went to the beach because I needed some paperwork signed from a town 5 minutes away from the beach and then we came home and did our daily bed time routine and I fell asleep with him... I never got to post my daily fitness motivation post!

Point of the matter is, I got it done. Priorities before beach fun, ALWAYS. Parents with kids, let them play while you workout. They're watching, they're learning and they'll remember these days from their childhood. Maybe one day they'll even get serious and join you if you show them WHY this is important to you.

...and yes. That IS Vito CHARGING at me Full Throttle about to jump on me on the top left photo. Lol

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