Women Workout Wednesday
Women Workout Wednesday...
Whether you're a mom, or you are
single... whether you are married or you are ...single... Whether you
are young or you are defined age... Being a woman is not always easy. As
a woman myself, I understand that sometimes its hard to incorporate
fitness and health into the picture. Periods, multiple kids,
multitasking, career.. LiFE. Yea, life gets in the way of trying to keep
up with your own life. But I cannot stress this enough!!!! If you want
to function better, EAT RiGHT! Give your
body what it NEEDS, not what your cravings want. If you want to feel
good, EAT RiGHT and EXERCiSE!!!
Ladies.... I'm talking to a certain demographic here because A LOT of my friends and followers on fb are my age... There comes a point in one's life when your body is not as resilient as it used to be. Living unhealthy takes a HUGE toll on ya.... Your body will start asking more from you and that's when we AS ADULTS must make the responsible decision to take care of it. You take care of your children and make sure that their lives are in order. WHY NOT YOURS??? If you don't take care of your body you have less of a life time to be able to enjoy your kids and your grandkids. If you don't take care of your body, you are at a higher risk for health problems, cancers, diseases, illnesses....
TAKE CARE OF YOU BODY, your body will take care of YOU, and you will have more energy and love to spread to your family and friends. Its so simple but why aren't people doing it? Because its too easy to be lazy.... Let go of that habit and you will find a WORLD of limitless possibilities!!!
Women that Workout are BADASS on Wednesdays.
Post a work out picture and tag me. Post it here. Let's rise together, let's support each other, lets help each other grow! Let's show men what we're made of!!! LETS REACH FOR THE STARS.... You know how to get a hold of me to reach up!
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