Who What When Where Why Wednesday

 Ask these 5 W questions and see what you come up with...

Who inspires you? 
  • Is it someone that impacts your life in a positive matter?
What do you live for? Good question, a ton of answers from each and everyone of YOU.
  • Do you work to live or do you live to work? 
When are you going to get over your fears?
  • Fears hinder, even destroy, your future success!
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 
  • Just where you are at? Or have you advanced in life? 
Why do you go to work?
  • To support your family? To Live? To enjoy life?

You don't quit your job because you need those paychecks. You need those paychecks to Keep Life in place. You need to live to feel alive. You need direction in life.

I don't quit working out because I set a goal and I choose not to quit. I need my body to feel good in order to feel good, look good, and live a healthy life. The healthier I am, the more energy I have, the more confidence I have, the more livable I am. I need my daily Nutrient Dense shake and I need my daily exercise, and I need my excellent fuel (clean eating) to help my body and let it be happy. My body is happy, I'm happy.
Its just as simple as that. The thing is, people care more about OTHER THiNGS and they always put themselves last. People rather drink at night and wake up hung over. People rather spend their money on BOOZE than a lifetime work out program. People rather spend money on fast food when all they have to do is go grocery shopping and USE THEiR STOVETOPS! People rather pay for cable and sit down all evening rather than going out side and enjoying a bike ride whether its alone or with friends or family.

This is the deal. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. YOU ARE WHO YOU HANG OUT WiTH. YOU ARE the exact replica of what YOU decide to do with YOUR 24 hours.
Make the right choice. I can direct you to your fit and health goals. Only YOU can decide how committed you will be. You know where to find me. -SOPH 


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