ChaLEAN Extreme

Day 26
Burn Circuit 3

Wow... I cannot believe that I have stuck to this freaking program and shared this with you and I'm committed. NEVER iN MY LiFE have I EVER committed to something so whole-heartedly... haha. People change for other people. I have changed for Vito.

Anyways, I am ONE DAY from finishing the FiRST MONTH of ChaLEAN Extreme!!! I want YOU to commit too!!! Whether its today or Next month in my next Success Group... or at the beginning of the year. I'm here to tell you, YOU GOT THiS.


I'm still a day behind... but i'll catch up. I've become VERY GOOD at catching up... Today I was finally in the mood to work out! It made such a huge difference!! I started positive and ended up thinking I was invincible! lol I still need to catch up though... I have 2 more work outs to do. Thankfully its just a 30 minutes cardio and a 20 min stretch... I'm done with the Liftting for this week and this month!!

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