Transformation Tuesday

ChaLEAN Extreme 
3 Week Progress

I'm getting better at committing to a work out. It ONLY took TWO YEARS. lol but you know what? I stuck to it, I didn't quit, and I think I'm ready to go Bikini Stylee to the Beach next Summer Season! Not only that, but I've been working on my flat Bum Bum, so for the first time in my life, I will probably have a curve back there in the summer :) If you're my age and you've given up on yourself, i HAVEN'T. I BELiEVE this is our PRiME decade and I wish I could help each and everyone of you! But I can't... All I can do is encourage you and inspire you and wait for you to ask for my health and fitness guidance... But Check out my 3 week progress!

***People may think I'm too skinny... I DON'T CARE. I'VE ALWAYS been skinny.... Yes, I don't have an ass.... but I'm working on it! My 6pk is coming along, my love handles are going away, and my arms are looking toned!!! Its not about being skinny (that comes naturally to me), its about being FiT and HEALTHY***
#FitIsTheNewSkinny #MusclesAreMyGoal #LiftingIsMyChallenge

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