ChaLEAN Extreme

Day 20
Part 1: Burn It Off / Part 2: Recharge

Week 3 is DONE!! haha!!! Progres pix will be shot and edited for Transformation Tuesday but to be quite honest with ya'll I don't SEE a difference. I just feel it. Hard to explain... my arms are definitely feeling it though. Next week I'm going to step it up a notch and I will be buying heavier weights smile emoticon WiSH ME LUCK!!! I had a hard time transitioning from 3lbs to 5lbs and now I'm going to 7lbs!!! Yea, its a lot for me. Here it is, my pic of the day from BOTH segments: 28 minutes of Cardio (Burn It Off) and 22 minutes of Stretching and relaxing my muscles from a long week of lifting (Recharge).
Are you all ready for the New Year?? I've stepped it up so much that I don't know how hardcore I'm going for the New Year. lol

Have a Great Weekend :) 


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