Thankful Thursdays on Friday!!!

Yuuup... you read it right. I made a video yesterday and I don't know what was wrong with You Tube buy I tried to upload it and it took HOURS for it to finally tell me that my video didn't upload. lol So I tried to upload it again and it was being VERY SLOW. So... fell asleep with it still uploading!!! 

I'll be damned if I let the internet defeat my passion and desire to succeed and complete my mission. So here it is, Thankful Thursday Video on a Friday :) 

It's Thankful Thursday again and this video is a good one :) Who here is thankful for their parents?!?! I AM!! As much as we bicker, that love will NEVER change, fade, destroy, or be ruined. Nothing can stop me from loving them the way that I do and they feel the same way! 

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