ChaLEAN Extreme and some Motivation...

Day 18 
Burn Intervals

Yesterday I hit a wall... Not literally, Metaphorically. Normally I am very inspired by my own spirit and energy but yesterday I just wasn't feeling it. I had been so behind on EVERYTHiNG this week due to the mini vacation I decided to take (although it was work involved). Because I was having a hard time catching up I was building up A LOT of negative and stressful energy so yesterday, Instead of doing my 2 portion work out, I only did the easy 11 minute Abs Workout. I just didn't have it in me to do the 47 minute Burn Intervals work out.
But from doing all this personal development AND the fact that Chalene Johnson says it in her workout videos... Failing is the only way to Succeed. WHY? because if you're not failing that means you aren't trying. You're "comfortable" where you are at and you're not doing anything to better the situation you're in. We have to CONSTANTLY be looking for ways to better ourselves!!
So... with that being said. This morning I pushed myself out of bed and told myself I WOULD NOT BE DEFEATED by Laziness and negativity.... I asked myself "Do you want that 6pk you keep telling people you're working SO HARD for????" So I got up and sweat my forehead off... From that, I was inspired to make a cute little picture that I hope will help you all reach YOUR GOALS. Fitness or not. It could be financial, saving money for a trip, buying those XMas presents, saving for a house, buying a car... whatever the goal, just remember to KEEP PUSHiNG YOURSELF.

Have a nice day.  

ChaLEAN Extreme : Week 3 : Day 18 : Burn Intervals :

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