Transformation Tuesday

Most Embarrassing post of the Year...

Its that time of the night again...

I'm going waaaaaay out of my comfort zone here... This is for the ladies. I remember this one time I was taking a picture of my back to see how tight my bra fit and I was SHOCKED at what I couldn't see back there... I saw a HUGE piece of skin hanging off my bra!!! I was sooooo mad I almost deleted the picture but then I told myself that I needed to keep it and use it as encouragement. For almost ONE WHOLE YEAR I REFUSED to take a picture from that angle again. I was scared to see the same results. Even though I had seen dramatic changes I still feared that loose skin. I found my BEFORE picture in a file I had saved so I decided just about 2 months ago to take that dreadful picture, you can tell from my face that I was hesitant. I cannot believe how far I've come.

I'm not saying that this method will work for EVERYONE. You have to COMMiT. You have to show up everyday for yourself. You have to want it bad. But as for me, These programs are the programs that I have done for the past two years and actually finished through to the end along with drinking my daily dose of DENSE nutrition, Shakeology. This company has helped me reach my goals and see the old Sophi, just waaay better. I used to be just skinny, now I'm FiT. I guess you can say, this is Sophi 2.0 hehe...

Hello 30's... :) 

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or Instagram @ SOPHIA_SAN_ROMAN
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