ChaLEAN Extreme

Month 2
Day 2

Work out DONE. My arms are soooo sore, this month Chalene has us go harder and longer at a slower pace. What was only 36 minutes felt like it was 1hr and a half. 3 minutes before the end and we weren't stretching yet, we were STiLL lifting!! WOO!!! I am DEFiNiTELY going to have to buy Recharge from Beachbody's Performance line so that I can relax my muscles at night because, WHOA DAMN.... Month 2 is Month 2 for a reason. Is anyone else ending the year STRONG? If you want to but you just don't know where or how to start, ask me how. 

I'll guide you through to the New Year.

Hint: It starts with your eating habits....


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