Transformation of the Soul Tuesday

I need your help...

I'm thin... small framed. I've ALWAYS had a hard time looking fit because I'm already skinny to begin with. Looking Fit is actually a challenge for me! People want to be skinny all the time, and I get it... It looks "healthy" but really the "healthy" is within you. Last year in December 2014 I had just started to feel better about myself and I had just TRULY begun to work on my own self improvement for the sake of my son. I realized that if I wasn't happy, he would never fully understand happiness. TODAY, I roam the streets PROUD and CONFiDENTLY knowing that even though I am not quite the richest person in the world, I'm ACTUALLY HAPPY about where my life is headed!!

It all started with improving MYSELF. I accepted me for being me, I understood that as thin as I am, I could be healthy on the inside and slowly work my way out of this thin shell, and I began feeling better about ME.
I know you say you are busy. I am too... I know your excuses will be THE MOST credible excuses compared to everyone else's, mine were too. But I am asking you to give yourself a chance. Self improvement opens up the door to a new world you didn't know you had in you. It reveals things about you that you yourself didn't know about! The New Year is the PERFECT TiME to start peeling off those excuses and start moving FORWARD.

This is my invitation to you. I want to help whomever is starving for a change. I'm right here... Been there, done that, mastered it, now I'm sharing those secrets with others.

Follow me on fb @ SOPHitness
or Instagram @ SOPHIA_SAN_ROMAN
Or Twitter @S0PHitness


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