ChaLEAN Extreme
Month 2
Day 18
Burn Intervals
Yesterday my stomach bug was still lingering around... But I couldn't
fall ONE MORE DAY behind. Are you kidding me??? This is a 3 month
program! I'll be damned if it lasts any longer!! lol I have Brazil Butt
Lift MASTER SERiES to do after this program! (THANK YOU, Beachbody On
Demand for supplying me with a WORLD of options). So I Pushed Play
yesterday even though I felt like crap. I ever so quickly realized that I
was NOT up to par yet. My stomach kept grumbling... So I decided
to would follow Leighly (the Modified Version girl) and I STiLL felt
like crap. So I went through frequent pauses and breaks. Regardless,
this was my longest work out of the week and it took even longer with my
pausing every other minute but I got it done. I can say that from a 1
to a 10, I must have pulled off a 2 or 3 but my muscles still felt a
little stretch and I felt SO GOOD about the fact that I got it done and I
was not going to feel guilty about another missed shot on the calendar.
#WhatsYOURexcuse? #NoExcuses #6pksDontJustMakeThemselves
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