ChaLEAN Extreme


ONE MORE WEEK!!! For FINAL Results from ChaLEAN Extreme :) It has been a Loooong 3 months and I cannot believe that for the FIRST TIME EVER I will have completed a 3 month program! And my body has changed so much, I eat more, I have GAINED muscle weight yet I'm losing more and more fat :) I FEEL more confident, and with all those SQUATS... Let's just say, my Bum Bum is ready for my next Beachbody On Demand work out, Brazil Butt Lift: MASTER SERiES. In ONE WEEK you will see my Final Results. Be prepared to be shocked and you better start believing that YOU DON'T NEED A GYM MEMBERSHIP to look FIT and ‪#‎Shakeology‬ is a Game Changer. Also, it has been a GREAT 3 years working out in front of my son and instilling Health & Fitness into HIS life.

Stay Tuned, next week :-D

Today is my Day off and I am takig FULL advantage of it!

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or Instagram @ SOPHIA_SAN_ROMAN
Or Twitter @S0PHitness


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