ChaLEAN Extreme

Month 3
Day 19

Another day, another work out. Tomorrow is the last day of Month 3 Week 3 and then come Monday, its my last week from the entire program!! It feels like its been a year since I started it... I DID start it last year... lol.

Anyways, arms are SORE, abs are SORE, bum bum's SORE, legs are weak. You know you had a good work out when you're sore and huuuuungry. Happy Friday, team :) If you haven't worked out all week, TODAY'S THE DAY!

Got Love Handles?

My love handles were the reason why I stopped wearing swim suits, ESPECIALLY two-piece swim suits. I can deal with the Mom Flab, as embarrassing as that is too... I consider that a battle scar. Motherhood will do some strange things to you. But the love handles... those are under MY control and I could either let them get worse or do something about it. Well guys, I did something about it. I got tired of not fitting in to my jeans and when I did all I saw was a freakin muffin top. I got tired of getting tired. I was so mad at myself. I'm skinny, naturally, so after giving birth and letting myself go I ended up not liking myself. That's not good for the SOUL so I cleaned up my soul and my body and now I am feeling confident! As confident as I can make myself...

Do YOU struggle with these issues? Because I can help you. I've got a positive, motivating, up-lifting mentality that just infects people with good vibes :) I have a private team that I check in to on a daily basis with people just like ME that are hungry for change. I have the fitness programs, I have the meal guides, I have the professional culinary expertise, and I have the meal replacement. All I need is your desire for change and your discipline and commitment. I'm ready when you are ;)


Follow me on fb @ SOPHitness
or Instagram @ SOPHIA_SAN_ROMAN
Or Twitter @S0PHitness


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