ChaLEAN Extreme

                                                         Month 3
                                                             Day 24

LAST time I do Lean Circuit 2... I cannot believe that I have made it to the end of this program. Actually, I cannot believe that I have stayed committed for this long!! Lots of squats and "bench pressing" like movements. Yea, I'm a certified chef, not a certified TRAINER. lol I don't know ALL the terms. Especially when I just started lifting less than 3 months ago. So yea, today my arms are SORE. If you are a skinny person like I am and you want to add some muscle mass (and not look too bulky) THIS is the program for you!! I know what I'm telling you!! NEVER in my life had I had muscle definition on my arms like I do now! Its feels GREAT to finally have some arms that aren't just "skin and bones". People always told me that my arms needed definition and I always told them I was just born skinny but I guess I lied... You can look HOW EVER YOU WANT, you just have to work hard at it.

Happy Hump Day :)


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