ChaLEAN Extreme

Month 3
Day 15

Today marks the day to a new beginning. It the beginning of the week and I am sooo ready for the challenge! I might just say this about 52 times in the year, I LOVE MONDAYS! Its a chance to start over and forget about what you didn't do last week. Get it done, THIS WEEK. So... I'm starting a weekly theme, I'm sure you've caught on, Never Miss A Monday. I would be more than happy to see YOUR Weekly Monday posts on here! Join Me!

So, today's segment, Lean Circuit 1 is probably one of the toughest ones from the entire program. If you want a good challenge and you have Beachbody On Demand, if you are in the mood for a PUSH... This is a good work out to do. I will warn you... you MUST eat, you MUST gain protein in order to gain muscle. PERIOD. Your body will be asking for fuel. 

Have a great week and remember, #StrongerEveryDay

Follow me on fb @ SOPHitness
or Instagram @ SOPHIA_SAN_ROMAN
Or Twitter @S0PHitness


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