ChaLEAN Extreme

Month 3
Day 18

Today's workout was awesome!!! These past few days have been a little hard because I've been sick and my lungs have not been 100% but today I TOTALLY felt it! I drank some Performance Energize, I put on my chucks, and pushed PLAY. Towards the end of the 1st segment I didn't even realize it was over until we started stretching. Lol Usually, I'm checking the clock to see how much time we have left. The 2nd segment is a 17 minute EXTREME abs work out and I usually skip that and leave it to later on in the day but this time I decided to crush it then and there. My muscles were all warm and ready to go and I was already in the mood so it I enjoyed it a lot more. Of course, my muscles DID feel the burn, my abs WERE shaking... but it felt so right. This picture shown today is no justice for the way my abs were flexing today <3

I smell a nice 6pk at the end of this program just like Chalene Johnson promised! I REALLY REALLY REALLY like this program. My favorite line of the day: "Don't you just LOVE IT when your abs are sore?! Because they WILL BE later today!". Gotta love this girl. btw, she is also the girl from PiYo.

#‎ChaleneJohnson‬ ‪#‎ChaLEANExtreme‬ ‪#‎VitalBehaviors‬ ‪#‎CarlDaikeler‬ ‪#‎Goals‬ ‪#‎Summer2016‬

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