Transformation Tuesday

This isn't about what's OUTSIDE, its about what's INSIDE

Not much of a big deal for a Transformation Tuesday but, its something. My stomach is longer, my quads are summer surf ready, my love handles are just the weeee bit smallest and my confidence is rising! My side picture was always the hardest part to post for me because I was sooooo flat in the back but since I started squatting more often I feel a little more confident posting my side pictures knowing that I have SOME sort of shape back there now instead of my shorts just hanging STRAIGHT DOWN.

Here ya go... also, keep in mind that I wasn't understanding the program the first 3 weeks so I did a lot of staring at the screen and not enough kicks and punches. This last month will be different. You'll see.... Oh, yea... don't mind that big 'ol BRUISE on the side of me, I just rammed straight into a corner of a metal shelf at my weekend job. 
LOL Typical Sophi Move.

Transformation of the SOUL.

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