My Weekly Meal Planner

 Turbo Jam
Meal Planning

Ever wonder where I get my ideas from? Just recently I started following a meal plan. With access to Beachbody On Demand, I also get access to a weekly meal planner as a premium Beachbody customer. Cool, huh? It cuts time out of my day trying to figure out what I should eat next while I try to figure out what's left in the suggested daily food pyramid... that simple. Even the deserts are.... DEEEE-LISH-USS!!!!

-Breakfast- Whole Grain Bread, Ricotta Cheese & Strawberries.
-Snack- Yougurt with coconut water
-Lunch- Pita Pocket with a roasted garlic edamame filling.
-Dinner- Lemon Penne Pasta with Asparagus
-Dessert- Poached Pear with Coconut/Ginger Ice Cream
-Workout- Turbo Jam: Punch, Kick & Jam💦

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