Monday Motivation

is my new Monday Theme!

Who will follow???

The start of a good week FOR ME always involves a good 'ole work out! I was soooooo frustrated this morning and I said to myself, "F** the world! F** EVERYTHING..." I didn't even want to work out but how was I supposed to post this "Never Miss A Monday" if I was going to skip my Monday Workout???? LOL Silly me.... So I kept myself accountable and pushed PLAY. Now, even though my day is still weighing me down I can at least say, "I worked out and I feel good". Don't YOU want to work out and feel good??? Don't let your emotions rule your reality.
The Reality is: Your body needs a good sweat sesh...

 Happy Monday!! and post YOUR workout pic below, lets see that sweat!

Follow me on fb @ SOPHitness
or Instagram @ SOPHIA_SAN_ROMAN
Or Twitter @S0PHitness


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