ChaLEAN Extreme

Month 3
Day 5

I did NOT want to work out today. I didn't even wake up until 12:30pm. I would have slept longer but I had to pick up Vito from school. Today was just one of those days.... I had no motivation. Nor did I want any. Do you ever feel like doing NOTHING? That was soooo me this morning. But I drank my Energize Performance and I quickly started feeling the tingle. I was AWAKE.

Then my desire to have a 6pk for the summer for my "Operation: Huntington Beach Surf Goals kicked in. Let me tell you... wanting a sexy MILF 6pk is waaaaay more desirable than laying in bed! So I decided to be STRONG (mentally and physically) and get the F** out of this mood! Today is also waaaay too beautiful to be sleeping in til noon....

So I worked out. I'm so glad that I did because my abs are feeling sore and I can FEEL my 6pk forming. NO JOKE!!! So what's it gonna be? A sexy 6pk or the couch, laziness, excuses, and tv time?? YOUR choice. Mine was made for me with Personal Goals that I set for myself. ‪#‎NoExcuses‬

Off for a mini skate sesh with Vito! Can't wait for him to be influenced by my skate buddies :) They're a good crowd.

#‎StrongerEveryDay‬ ‪#‎soPHITness‬ ‪#‎NeverGiveUp‬

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