ChaLEAN Extreme

Month 2
Day 26

Well... another day, another workout, another day closer to my goal. I kind of forget what my goal is sometimes... I just work out now. lol oh yea, a 6pk. Its HARD trying to form a real nice 6pk when you have the MOM SKIN on your tummy!!!! 3 more days until I finish my 2nd month of ChaLEAN Extreme. WOW. Then I have one month to go and then.... on to Brazil Butt Lift MASTER SERiES on Beachbody On Demand (‪#‎BOD‬). Who wants to start THAT program with me?? I will finish late May JUST IN TIME for the Summer :) Cannot wait to see THOSE results.... I've always wanted a nice Bum Bum. Could this be my year?? Stay tuned, I guess. So will I. lol


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