Monday Motivation

Its Monday!!
Happy Monday, everybody :)

I know... I know... some people don't like Monday's because its, "Back to work" but you know what? You get paid for working... You also get to start a new week. Any goals you didn't accomplish last week, guess what? YOU HAVE A NEW OPPORTUNiTY TO START OVER! The New Year just started and this is already your THIRD OPPORTUNITY to start over!!

Keep in mind, while the "Resolution Vibe" is still in effect, remember... you have soooo many more weeks to go before 2017 so make THIS DAY COUNT. Keep your head up, look forward to what you will be making for dinner, look forward to some family time (if you don't have a family look forward to a great, and active, evening), just LOOK FORWARD and stop looking back and thinking about those goals you DIDN'T get done last week. For crying out loud, that was last week!!! Get over it, and start all over today. Get those goals in, its never too late... today is a new day, a new week, a new beginning...
The picture I'm posting, that's me EVERY. SINGLE. MONDAY. and it should be YOU too :)


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