So these past couple of months since I left my son's Alcoholic Father and I stepped DOWN and became submissive to my son's life and moved back in with my family... I have had time to think and focus. I have built my business from the underground and now my business has a floor! A BASE. I'm established, I'm focused, I'm unstoppable, I'm a mom, I'm a daughter, I'm a sister, I'm a #GiRLBOSS. To be honest, it has been hard juggling this Full-Time business that is taking FOREVER to grow, and my son, and the family I'm living with right now, and meal-times, and my side weekend job, and my events, and my fitness... I'm sure there is more because I take my son to so many places all week so that he's not bored at home all the time. POiNT OF THE STORY... One of the things that I make a priority is him seeing me do my fitness. WHY? because as other "normal conventional parenting" ways go, where the kids are used to sports from the point where they start walking.... Or where the children go to Church every weekend, or where the children go to daycare from practically BiRTH to be "prepared for school" or just because the parents work and have no where else to place their babies... whatever. I want MY SON to grow up watching me work out EVERY DAY (unless I have an off day...). I want my son to grow up eating HEALTHY FOOD. We don't go out to restaurants EVER... mostly due to a very strict budget but thanks to being on the poor side, I have managed to learn how to eat clean and how to eat at home. My son sees me work hard everyday, he sees me spend time with him everyday, he sees me feed him good food everyday, he sees me do my physical routine everyday, he is watching me be a parent and I am soooo glad that he is being raised the way he is being raised. I try so hard to keep it positive and influential and I try so hard to manage my time between him and work and keep a sane mind going. I'm sure just like any other full-time parent; Home business or NOT.
So what I'm saying to you is, you now know my family values and my health values, now its YOUR CHOiCE to decide whether you want me to help, guide, and PUSH YOU towards a healthier more fulfilling lifestyle. WHY ME?? Because I'm passionate, I'm dedicated, I'm a certified chef, I run private groups that will help you stay accountable, and I don't give up on people just like I don't give up on myself. Even if you have been looking into a home business, you are a stay at home mom and you want to help your husband a little bit on the financial world or you are a stay at home DAD!! I can help you start a business just like I started mine :) It takes time, dedications, patience, and discipline but it CAN BE DONE. I'm not saying its an overnight success story, its like a seed... you plant your seed only to see a sprout after a long time of watering your soil. Same with any successful business!
Don't forget to check out my page on fb @ SOPHitness or my IG @ Sophia_San_Roman

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