ChaLEAN Extreme
Day 5
Checkin' In:
Middle of the Day Work out. Best picture taken. Kid did not cooperate today but he got to see Mommy working out and that's what matters. So what if I couldn't take the perfect picture... I got it done anyways! And that is how I want you to think!! I don't take "I don't have time, my kids are always around" for an excuse. I used to be that person, I was blaming it on the presence of my son, but when I got over that excuse and realized it was an excuse two things happened. #1-> I started seeing results. #2-> I started to realize this WAS what my son needed to see. Hiding my fitness from him only made him unaware of mommy's hard work.... GET iT DONE. Let them play under you. Let them jump on you and take it on as a challenge. Let them copy you...
I was that mom that didn't have time to work out in the morning because I had chores to do. I was that mom that didn't like to work out during my son's naps because I had... too many chores to do. I wanted to RELAX. I was that mom that didn't have time to do it during the day because he was up. I was that mom that didn't want to work out at night when he went to sleep because I was already too tired!!! I always had an excuse until one day I saw those tires getting bigger and bigger and I saw myself in the mirror and I no longer saw the old me, I saw someone I didn't recognize... It was then when I quit "excusing myself" and I started having a "No matter what..." attitude and it was then when I started seeing results in myself. Not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, financially, ...sexually, and everything else! I started eating healthier... I started getting my LiFE back...
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