My Review
So Now that I have finished presenting you what Beachbody On Demand offers in their Sneak Peek section, I will be starting my next chosen program. My next program will be ChaLEAN Extreme. I am looking forward to this because I've never done something like this and also, it's a 3 month program and I will only be paying $38 for it, thanks to it being in Beachbody On Demand. Yay!! Plus, I don't have to worry about my son scratching my discs and since I travel a lot I don't have to worry about taking the discs and risking losing them, I can just work out from my phone!
So, WHoops... I've slipped. I finally finished trying out all the Work Outs
from the Sneak Peeks on Beachbody On Demand and I felt that I needed a
day or two of rest before I got started with my New Program. I'm pretty
excited about this one!!! I've always focused on endurance and agility
but for the FiRST TiME iN MY LiFE I will be focusing on Building MUSCLE.
Like Chalene says on ChaLEAN Extreme, "Muscle Burns FAT". Yea, yea...
You may not think that I have fat, but you're not the one that sees me
naked everyday. I AM! and I am DETERMiNED to lose those damn love
handles!!! So I'm going to raise my Calorie Intake and I'm gonna start
lifting! Never thought I'd do that! I'm starting with my 5lb weights
but I think in about two weeks I will be going to the store to buy some
7lbs weights. I have to take it one small step at a time. I've never
done this so I don't want to over-do it. Today's work out was 37 minutes
long and she kept making it harder and harder and it didn't stop
getting harder until the last 2 minutes of the segment which was the
cool down! Haha! Tomorrow is a rest day already! Day 2, Rest Day??? I
could get used to this! But I'm sure its a rest day because of all the
craziness we did today. Back on it early Saturday Morning. THiS iS MY
I also made a small 15 second Video of what I thought was the easiest move from the entire segment!
I hope you are enjoying following my blog and if you think it needs something else, let me know and I'll spunk it up! There is ALWAYS room for change. Have a great day, remember to stay hydrated, make healthier choices, and keep moving!! -Beachbody Coach, Soph.
Follow me on fb @ SOPHitness
or Instagram @ SOPHIA_SAN_ROMAN
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