Monday Motivation
Until you learn to TRULY love yourself, you're going to keep comparing and wishing you were someone else. Up until I was 31 years old I HATED my body.
I was embarrassed of my body.
I didn't like being in swimsuits.
I wished I wasn't born flat chested.
I didn't like being shorter than 5th graders.
I wanted an ass.
I wanted hips.
I wanted curves.
I wished I wasn't so skinny.
I was CLEARLY unsatisfied with body. I wanted to be someone that I know now I could NEVER be. I'm going to be 32 years old in a few months and I'm officially okay with the body that was genetically chosen for me. If a man is going to Love me, he's going to have to look further than my physical appearance because... good luck finding gold there! I'm worth MORE than curves and looks. I have so much more to offer! I'm smart, I'm funny, I'm chill, I'm down to Earth, I can cook, I'm low maintenance, I'm a handyman... I'm freakin' ambitious!
Ladies, if you aren't happy with your body, FIX IT but know you are worth more than curves. Know your WORTH. Here's to all short, skinny women that lack confidence

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