#TBT (Brazil Butt Lift pix)

WOO!!! Talk about a #TBT!


I freakin' HATE these pictures but I keep telling myself that someone with no ass will someday be inspired to GET OFF THEIR ASS and do something about it. This goes to all those girls and guys that know they need help in that department. This man, Leandro is really changing my life... I'm HOOKED on this program. Yes, I'll lay off the BBL for a while, my next program on Beachbody On Demand is T25 with Shaun T., that will be ALL body weight... but for now, I'm going to keep posting my Brazil Butt Lift Results and I'm on my last round for the year so... Let's see how it goes this month. Check it out, I'm improving... slowly but surely... I'll have a sexy Bum Bum...

** These are NOT the final results. These are the first picture I took of my butt this year, to the last picture that I took of my butt after finishing off Brazil Butt Lift : Deluxe Edition. So stay tuned for the results from Brazil Butt Lift : Carnivale. **

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