Your daily dose of Motivation!

 I'm looking for a TEAM

People.... All I can do is motivate you, inspire you, and enhance your confidence. I CAN'T pinch you and throw cold water on you in the morning to wake you up and get going. I can't move for you. I can't make your food for you, that's what I have my son for.. to teach HiM and guide HiM. If you want me to, I will... I'll be your coach, I'll message you everyday, I'll push you, I'll help you build a business, but its up to YOU to get a hold of me. Remember, YOU CAN DO what I have been able to do for myself. We humans have risen to the top of the food chain because we have used what we have and taken it to a different level of thinking. WHY ARE WE Digressing now these days?!?! Let's change that around and keep on PROGRESSiNG!! People now these days want the easy way out. They want a boss to tell them what to do because they are afraid of leading themselves. Those who have the courage to lead themselves at first they struggle, but the more they struggle the more they learn to fix the mistakes they've come across. In the end, they are rewarded for their hard work through success. Which one are you going to be?? The one with the 9-5 job and a boss, the one that misses out on their children's after school activities? OR, the one that sacrifices sleep to get work done to reach a goal of one day leaving their 9-5 to be a Stay-At-Home-Parent to be able to live a life you've always wanted to live?? YOU decide what you want for YOUR life, not me. I'm only here to help guide you through and encourage you to keep going even in your toughest times. 

Post your email below on the comments or follow me on fb @ SOPHitness. I'll get you started on a life worthy journey. I want to help you. YOU KNOW WHO I'M TALKiNG TO... I just can't help you until you ask for the help


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