Shake Week Day 3

Day 3

A lot of people say that Shakeology is expensive. I get that ALL THE TiME. So lets back up a bit with 2 valid points... maybe 3.
1. You spend money on purses to be conspicuous and show it off, you spend money on cars and add in the extra cup holder and added tint for a little more on your initial purchase for whatever reason, you spend money on insurance to protect your assets, so why not spend money on your HEALTH??? Why can't you spend money on YOUR OWN body. You only have ONE BODY your entire life so treat it right... Why spend money on a Fast Food Breakfast and then later add the medical bill cost when you can spend on your body NOW and avoid all medical costs in the future!?
2. Its a MEAL REPLACEMENT PEOPLE!! Its not an "ADDED COST" in your daily food budget... you are actually eliminating a meal! You are reducing your calorie intake and raising your nutrition intake! For those of you that eat out a lot, how much do you spend on that ONE IHop breakfast, or McDonald's breakfast, or the lunch you eat during your lunch break? Think about how much money and how many calories you could be saving! Not to mention how ALERT you will feel vs. "too tired to get back to work".
3. Its actually $3.17/day... How often do you spend that on a daily basis on ONE MEAL with an average of 165 Calories???? (depending on flavor and extra nutritious ingredients you add in your Shake)

So the question is are you willing to spend a little extra on YOURSELF to avoid future medical bills?? Because I assure you that when you're older and you have medical issues due to bad health, it will be MUCH HARDER for your family members to take care of you with them running THEiR OWN LiVES! Do you REALLY want to be a burden on someone just because you didn't listen to everyone telling you to eat better and exercise more?? 

Now is your chance... If this has brought some awareness in your life, you had a "light-bulb moment" or these words really spoke to you, DON'T HESiTATE TO CONTACT ME!! Message me, write a comment below, or look me up on FaceBook @ SOPHitness. Do something about your life! Do something GOOD. Its never too late to change. Change is the only constant in the Universe! 


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