Focus T25
Focus T25
Week 1 Review
Day 1- Cardio
Vito destroyed the room in a matter of 25 minutes... but
that's beside the point. He still got in there with me and tried to do
what I was doing! Let me tell you something... let me tell you
something... SHAUN T. does NOT kid around and he does NOT leave room for
breaks. 25 minutes isn't enough to to have breaks... I could only
IMAGINE what Insanity MAX: 30 is going to be like... oh dear my...
So this morning I woke up so sore... T25 doesn't require
a single bit of equipment yet somehow I'm sore AF. My arms, my legs, my
abs... I also KNOW that my 25 minutes were effective because I sweat
more than all of Brazil Butt Lift put together in just this ONE 25
minute segment on DAY ONE. lol That's pretty intense.
We just started yesterday and there is still room in my group and time
to catch up. If you want in, hit me up! This is going to be a good
fitness program and we are all going to earn a free shirt!
: : : NOTICE : : :
I accidentally put Speed 1.0 on my collage because that was Day 2 and I made this collage right after I did Day 2. I got confused. Day 1 was actually CARDIO. Sorry! Didn't feel like editing it...
I accidentally put Speed 1.0 on my collage because that was Day 2 and I made this collage right after I did Day 2. I got confused. Day 1 was actually CARDIO. Sorry! Didn't feel like editing it...
Day 2- Speed 1.0
This program is F***ing Saaaweeeet!!!! If you want to sweat in the
first 5 minutes of your workout and drink A LOT of water (or Beachbody
Performance's Hydrate
and also burn a good amount of calories WITHOUT spending money on
equipment (because its not required) and getting back into shape... DO
IT WITH US! Our group is going off!! #soPHITness365

The Holidays are here, the New Year is coming... you are going to quit if you start off
HARD on the New Year and you don't prepare yourself. WHY NOT... avoid
the Holiday weight, eat Holiday food BUT do 25 minutes a day and not
look like a turkey?? What I'm trying to say is, instead of GAINING
HOLIDAY WEIGHT, why don't you just MAINTAIN your Holiday weight??? That
way, your body isn't in shock for the New Year, you DON'T have Holiday
weight to lose, and your get back into shape WAY FASTER.
I'm all yours... just say the magic words, "I'm in" and I'm all in with you as well. ;)
Day 3- Total Body Cardio
This program is seriously kicking my butt! My calves have been sore all week and I drank my #Shakeology right before my workout so I felt like throwing up! Lol I remember why I love #ShaunT
workouts... They are intense and they require no equipment and in just
25 minutes you have yourself a sweaty, calorie-burning moment of fun (or
torture, Lol).

Btw, my son was in his pj's all weekend long! He said he didn't want to go anywhere and he was going to play with his "#MagicTracks" all weekend long . . . and. He. Did.

Day 4- Ab Intervals
No Pain, No Gain... I want to gain some ABS! I willing to suffer some
pain! Its POSSIBLE and its NECESSARY. Its going to be difficult,
especially with Shaun T. because that guy is HARDCORE, but its
possible... What are YOU willing to do to reach your goals? I'm a tiny
bit behind on my schedule but I'll catch up because I'm ambitious... I
encourage you to start on your goals, even if its a little bit at a
time. Happy New Week 

Day 5- Lower Focus
uuuhh.... Ouch. Leg days are usually my FAVORITE because I can take
leg days, but this leg workout for 25 minutes is crazy!!! This is my
first round and I KNOW it will get better but today I gave in and
switched to modified from time to time because really... WHO clings
their foot behind the other ankle and then stands on their toes and
holds their balance while jumping up and down on their first try?!?! lol
I'm not saying that I didn't like it, I felt my butt muscles working...
but I DEFINITELY have a challenge. FINALLY!!! A leg day I feel
intimidated by...

In one sentence: HOLY MOLY... This segment is by far the toughest Leg
Day I have come across in ALL the Beachbody Programs I have ever had;
its challenging but I WILL conquer it and it WILL be my favorite once I
catch the drift ;)
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