Early bird catches the worm
THANK YOU, VITO for wetting the bed 

We woke up an hour earlier, had an early breakfast, showered, watched a
movie, had time to ride his bike to school, got to school EARLY,
plus... I worked out too.
All before dropping off the kid at school!!!

[Insert happy dance here]
Well, I finished the last 15 minutes I had left of my workout right
after dropping him off. But still... I'm over one hour ahead of schedule
and this segment is hard. I actually cramped with one of the moves. You
see the one where my leg is lifted up in the air and bent back in the
collage??? It's harder than it seems if you master your form
Its called a downward dog, split, bend??? Don't quote me

Tomorrow is Friday... Shaun T. always says to push HARD towards the
finish line. If you saw the post from this morning on my personal
profile you will see what I mean about pushing hard all the way to the
last second. Sometimes, it pays off. So finish off this week STRONG.
You got this, I believe you can. Do you?

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