Patience is Virtue...

In need of a laptop or a computer...

These past few weeks, maybe its even been a month, its been soooo hard to work every day from the library. Especially because the library does not let me save photos and I save A TON of photos... Not only that but I bought a flashdrive so that I can save images to my flashdrive, I left it stuck to the back of a computer and some one snagged it... Grr.... My dad always says to have patience and things will work out so instead of losing my cool, I keep on truckin'. I come to the library every day, I edit my blog when I can on my phone to add pictures, and I do my work at the library. I'm not giving up on my business! Did Walt Disney give up on HiS DREAM??? NO!!! Look at what Disney is NOW! I'm not saying that I will be the next Disney corporation... I'm just saying that Patience is Virtue and Persistence bring Results. So no matter what it is... YOU CAN DO iT. If you are looking into losing weight, if you are looking into finding a new job, a house, a pet.. if you are getting married, if you are having a baby, if you are looking for a job... whatever the task is as I am trying to build a business, YOU CAN DO iT. Hang tight and also, If you are reading this and you think my blog are lame now I WiLL start adding pictures and video PRETTY SOON. I PROMiSE. Patience is Virtue.

Have an Awesome Day!

Don't forget to check out my fb page @ SOPHitness or for healthy meal ideas and alternatives and motivation in life check out my Insatgram account @ Sophia_San_Roman.
