INSANiTY Month 1 Results

Alright viewers! I have stuck to my Program and This is what I have been able to accomplish in ONE MONTH!!! I've definitely improved my stomach. My 6pk is on its way :) The key is CONSiSTENCY. You don't stop, you keep going. During my work-outs my son jumps on top of me while planking, he plays London Bridge when I'm on all fours, he likes to try and place his little cars under my feet when I'm jumping, he sometimes ejects the cd or turns off the t.v. and sometimes he even tries to work-out with me. Othere times I work out while he's bathing (I can see him across the hall). Sometimes I work out during his naps if he takes a nap. I used to use my son as the biggest excuse for NOT BEiNG ABLE TO WORK OUT. Now, I use him as an excuse for staying fit, and him bothering me is a challenge I have accepted! I am passionate about my own health & fitness and I am passionate about helping others as well. My Challenge Groups are doing so awesome! I wish everyone can join! And because of THEM, I push myself a lot more!

Curious about a Challenge Group? I have 2 openings and another one starting December 1st.

Check out my FB Page, at SOPHitness!

The point of this blog is to encourage you, specifically MOMS, and motivate you to get off your couch! Your life is worth SO MUCH MORE than sitting on a couch!!

This week is Recovery Week and then I get started on Month 2. Who wants to see Recovery Week Results??? I cannot wait to get my FREE Insanity T-Shirt from TeamBeachbody! YOU CAN DO iT TOO!! Just finish a Beachbody Program and send the Before/After pictures! Contact ME to get you started on a program. :)


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