Alright Alright! Today is Thursday November 20 and I am HALF WAY DONE with November's Challenge Group! YUP! I am also almost done with my Recovery Week. It took a bit longer than expected because I was out of town but I am still so proud of myself for committing to it on vacation!! ONE MORE DAY ON RECOVERY WEEK and then its on to MONTH 2 on INSANiTY!!! As promised, I WiLL post my Recovery Week photos by this weekend :)

Not too much going on here today until my next post!

Also, I am launching my Challenge Group for Next Month, SnowPhit4XMas.... I have 10 openings. If you are wanting to try something different, MAiNTAiN Holiday Weight instead of GAiNiNG Holiday Weight, or you just like to work with a group of people with the same motif.... post below that you are interested and I'll get you started!

Or find me on FB at SOPHitness :)


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